Change Your Name in Utah

Do you want to change your name? Fair Price Lawyers can make it happen. To change your name in Utah, a name change petition must be filed with the district court and a court process must be followed which will end with an order signed by a district court judge authorizing your name change. This process usually takes about three months to complete.

Utah Name Change$500 Flat Fee

Fair Price Lawyers will complete your name change for a $500 flat fee attorney plus the $333 district court filing fee. The total cost is $833. If a minor’s name change is contested by the other parent, we will need to charge hourly for attorney time and will quote you a retainer deposit during our Zoom consult with you.

Let's Get Started Today!

Get started immediately by completing our questionnaire and paying the $833 fee. After you pay the fee and complete the questionnaire, one of our attorneys will email you to confirm our legal representation of you and to provide a draft name change petition for you to review and approve. After we have your approval, we will file the petition and begin the process of completing the name change.




If you want to meet with an attorney before starting the process, please click on the button below to schedule a 30-minute Zoom consultation with an experienced name change attorney.


Who Can Change Their Name?

There are some restrictions on who can change their name. A person can't change their name in Utah if:

  • They are currently involved in any kind of lawsuit or while they are on probation or parole
  • They are barred as a child abuse offender from changing their name pursuant to Utah Code Section 77-43-105(7)
  • They are trying to avoid creditors, fines, or a sentence in a criminal case
  • They are trying to commit fraud

Can I Choose Any New Name?

A person can change their name to almost anything they want, with some limitations. A petition seeking to change a person's name to something that is vulgar or obscene or too long may be denied by the court.

Utah Name Change Requirements

Pursuant to Utah Code Section 41-1-1, the basic requirements to change your name are that you must be at least 18 years old, or have parental consent, and you must have lived in the same Utah county for at least one year.

How Quickly Can I Change My Name?

The process for changing a person's name in Utah takes approximately 60 days on average. That is how long it takes from when a petition to change your name is filed and a judge issues the order changing your name.

Utah Adult Name Change Process

The process of changing an adult's name in Utah begins with filing a petition for a name change with the district court. A certificate from the Utah Department of Corrections must be filed with the petition certifying that the person requesting the name change is not on Utah's Sex and Kidnap Offender or Child Abuse Offender Registries. Our office will obtain that certificate before filing your petition. The process of obtaining that certificate usually takes 3-4 weeks. After the petition is filed, we'll request a hearing with the judge during which the judge will review the petition and other filings and issue an order approving your name change. The whole process usually takes three months.

After the order granting your name change has been issued, you'll need to take a certified copy of the name change order to your local Social Security office and request a new Social Security card listing your new name. There is a Social Security office located at 175 East 400 South #500, in Salt Lake City, Utah. We recommend that you call ahead and make an appointment before you go. That will save you time. The Social Security office will usually give you a new, temporary Social Security card right there at the appointment. Next, you'll take your new Social Security card and the certified copy of the order to your local DMV. The DMV will usually give you a new, temporary driver's license with your new name listed on it right there at your appointment. A few weeks later you'll receive a permanent Social Security card and driver's license in the mail.

Utah Minor Name Change Process

The process of changing a minor's name is similar to the process for an adult name change. However, before the court will enter an order for a minor’s name change, the court must find that the change is in the best interest of the child. In determining the best interest of the child, the court may consider several factors including the following:

  • The minor’s preference.
  • The effect of the name change on the minor’s relationship with each parent.
  • How long the minor has used a name.
  • Difficulties, harassment, or embarrassment a minor may experience from their present or the new name.
  • Whether or not the new name may cause the minor to feel insecure or lack identity.
  • The motives and interests of the requesting parent.
  • Whether both parents consent to the name change

If one parent does not consent to the name change, the judge may still decide to change the child's name over the parent's objection. Arguments can be made at the hearing as to what is in the child's best interest.

How Do I Change the Name on My Birth Certificate?

To change the name on your birth certificate, you will need to send a certified copy of the name change order issued by the court along with a form titled Amendment of Record by Court Order to the Utah Department of Vital Records and Statistics, at PO Box 141012, Salt Lake City, Utah 84114-1012. Our office will send you 2 certified copies of the judge's order changing your name. Make sure to include with your request a check or money order for the small fee listed on the Amendment of Record form. After they receive your request, the Department will mail you a birth certificate with your new name within a few weeks. If you need additional certified copies, those are easy to obtain at the clerk's office of any district courthouse in Utah. The office is usually on the first floor of the courthouse, and the fee is usually $5 per copy.

How Do I Change the Name on My Passport?

To change the name on your passport, you will need to send a certified copy of the name change order issued by the court along with an application for a new passport to the U.S. Department of State Bureau of Consular Affairs, the necessary application fee, and a passport sized photograph. We'll send you 2 certified copies of the name change order.

How Do I Change the Name on My Social Security Card?

To change the name on your Social Security card, you'll need to take a certified copy of the name change order to your local Social Security office and request a new Social Security card listing your new name. We'll send you 2 certified copies of the judge's order. There is a Social Security office located at 175 East 400 South #500, in Salt Lake City, Utah. We recommend that you call ahead and make an appointment before you go. That will save you time. The Social Security office will usually give you a new, temporary Social Security card right there at the appointment. A few weeks later you'll receive a permanent Social Security card in the mail.

How Do I Change the Name on My Driver's License?

To change the name on your driver's license, you'll want to first get a new Social Security card. That will make things simple and easy. Next, you'll take your new temporary Social Security card and a certified copy of the name change order to your local DMV. The DMV will usually give you a new, temporary driver's license with your new name listed on it right there at your appointment. A few weeks later you'll receive a permanent driver's license in the mail.